Promoting social responsibility across the partnership is an important part of the way we operate. All staff are employed by Devon County Council and are included in the corporate policies and standards of all our local government partners. In particular the partnership social responsibility activities focus on three areas:
- People
- Community
- Environment
Our people are at the heart of the business and we take their wellbeing very seriously. We recognise that as an employer we play a major part in their lives.
Devon Assurance Partnership believes in the continual development and advancement of our staff and support is offered for staff to undertake further professional and work related development. We place importance on the contributions and views of our employees. Our policy is to communicate with and seek their feedback regarding all relevant information about our clients and our business. Using specific newsletters, briefings by management, regional forums and annual staff survey, we provide constant opportunity for input. In addition to equal opportunity, fairness and diversity policies we also have a number of other initiatives that benefit staff including:
- flexi leave
- flexible working arrangements including home working
- opportunities to apply for career breaks or other sabbatical leave, and
- excellent work – life balance opportunities
We expect all our employees to display tolerance and understanding of all issues affecting diversity. We will promptly address any issues that prevent this being achieved. We value diversity in the workplace. As part of our commitment to this, in September 2017 all DAP staff attended an LGBT+ awareness session.
Devon Assurance Partnership is committed to contributing to our local communities and wholeheartedly believes in supporting local voluntary initiatives and charities. Staff are supported in undertaking work in local communities such as school governorships and staff use their skills in a range of activities such as acting as honorary treasurers or auditors of local voluntary groups.
As a professional service provider our environmental impact is relatively low but we must act in every way we can to further improve our position:
- Green champions: Each of our three offices will have a ‘green champion’ responsible for encouraging environmentally friendly behaviour such as energy saving and recycling.
- Reducing carbon emissions: Our wish is to reduce our carbon footprint and so we seek to carefully manage our essential business travel by encouraging the use of car sharing and public transport. Employees are able to participate in a cycle to work scheme and cycles are available for staff to use on business journeys. Our staff are encouraged not to make unnecessary journeys and to make best use of technology to minimise carbon emissions and congestion.
- Waste – reduce, reuse, recycle: We recycle waste in a manner recommended by our local authority partners. In addition, we also recycle toner cartridges, mobile telephones, batteries and computer hardware through appropriate channels. Much of our paper waste is recycled and our aim is to reduce the use of paper and move towards electronic scanning and storage solutions through the use of our audit management software.
- Environmentally friendly materials: We aim to produce our printed literature using environmentally friendly paper.