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Professional Standards

Devon Audit Partnership ensures that it meets all current, relevant professional guidance. Our internal audit activity conforms with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing

In November 2021 we welcomed Russell Banks (CMIIA) Head of Orbis and Alix Wilson (BA/IPFA) Head of the South West London Shared Audit Service (SWLAP) who completed an external validation of our own self assessment.

Russ and Alix concluded that: –

DAP is a well-regarded internal audit partnership, delivering professional and quality services to its partner organisations with a high level conformance with Public Sector Internal Audit Standards.

Interviews with stakeholders were overwhelmingly positive about the service they receive from DAP, recognising the value and professionalism of the service. In the interest of continuous improvement, something quite rightly seen as being of great importance to the DAP management team.

Based on the work carried out it is our overall opinion that DAP generally conforms * with the Standards and the Code of Ethics

* Generally Conforms – this is the “top rating” and confirms that DAP’s internal audit activity has a charter, policies, and processes that are judged to be in conformance with the Standards and the Code of Ethics.

Russ and Alix helpfully provided further insight, based on their own experiences, and we shall be working through their suggestions as to how we can further improve our services.

Should you wish to see a copy of the report, please email Tony Rose.
