A considerable percentage of an organisation’s income can relate to specific grants allocated for key projects. Such projects are often key to addressing longer term concerns and objectives, and consequently span a number of financial and calendar years.
The financial regulations relating to grant claims are often stringent, and failure to comply can put all your funding at risk. Added to this is the risk that key personnel may leave the project as the end of funding draws near. This results in a high risk of incorrect or incomplete grant claims leading to financial and reputational damage.
We are experienced in helping organisations developing systems and controls to ensure that grant funding can be suitably tracked, controlled, accounted for and reported enabling all grant income achieved to be retained.
We can help you design your systems so that your audit trail is robust, complete and secure, and that your evidence will stand up to external scrutiny, often by colleagues working for the European Court of Auditors.
We can help you ensure that you manage your project outputs in line with expectations, and help provide ‘early warning’ where issues may be coming to light.
If you would like to discuss any of our services please contact us.