In these tough economic times you may not always be able to fully staff your internal audit team, or be able to keep them up-to-date with the relevant skills required. The Devon Audit Partnership can help you acquire the level of assurance you require with a joint working arrangement.
Why would you undertake a joint working arrangement?
- You need to meet short term resource problems for example through sickness or unplanned work or fraud cases, or difficulty in recruiting
- You require specialist skills which are not available within your own internal audit team
- You want to increase the available audit capacity or use your own in-house team for operational or performance audit and need support for the key financial systems audit work
- You want to improve the standard, skills, experience and methodology of your in-house team through a partnership arrangement
Devon Audit Partnership can work alongside your in-house function to provide valuable skilled support whenever you require it. We are able to undertake individual audits, groups of audits (for example core financial systems work), or specialist audits (such as IT, procurement and contracts, VFM and counter fraud).
We can also provide staff on direct secondment or enter into more complex partnership arrangements, to provide you with:
- skill transfers
- best practice information
- additional support
- consultancy services
We can work with you in a variety of ways, short or long term contracts, individual assignments, specialist support and investigations (such as forensics). We are flexible in supporting our customers and have various joint working arrangements; if you wish to partner with us or to discuss your needs please contact us. Full Partner status may not be what you are looking for, but don’t let that stop you working with us.
Our clients say:
The auditor was very engaging and has an excellent grasp of risk management principles and practice – this made for an effective review which will be pivotal in effecting the changes required to our risk management arrangements.