Jo started her assurance career with Somerset County Council in 2001, later qualifying as an Internal Auditor via the Institute of Internal Auditors. Jo has worked within both the Internal and External audit firms within Local Government and commercial organisations, spanning a career within the assurance field of over 20 years. Jo is the Senior Audit Manager for the partnership overseeing the work we do for Devon County Council.
Jo is responsible for developing the audit plans for her clients and servicing audit and scrutiny committees. Her team provides audit reviews, consultancy and advice across all of the Council’s services ranging from Children/Adults Services to Highways and Public Health to Key Financial Systems. Critical friend support is also provided on major projects and transformation programmes.
Part way through Jo’s career she diversified into the External Audit sector and audited the accounts for Local Authorities as well as commercial organisations and charities. Having this knowledge of Local Authorities accounts has assisted Jo in devising an audit plan that is in line with Council’s spend as well as the non-finance related risks.
Jo is especially keen on the development of staff within the partnership and takes an active role in the in-house training. Jo will work with teams to further develop and share good auditing practices and new approaches across all the partners and clients.